Thursday, April 3, 2014

Staying Hydrated: Isotonic and Hypotonic Beverages

Hey, everyone. Lots of changes going on in my life right now, so I apologize for the slow release of posts. But today I have a good one for ya, and I know some of you are eagerly waiting.

Ostomates, people with IBD, or other illnesses can suffer from dehydration. As someone with an ileostomy, I'm particularly at risk, as is anyone with an ileostomy. This is because we're losing a large quantity of water through our ostomy due to our shortened bowel. But we're losing more than just water; it also flushes out many of our electrolytes, like sodium and potassium. And despite what you may think, drinking plain old water just doesn't help us recover.

When you lose a large amount of fluid from your body, you also lose electrolytes. Drinking plain water will only replace some of the fluid loss, and it won't replace the electrolytes; in fact, it dilutes them. And if you have an ileostomy, drinking plain water could make you even more dehydrated. So what should you be drinking?

There are different kinds of drinks. That is, every beverage falls into one of 3 categories. The ones I'll be talking about are Isotonic and Hypotonic. Isotonic drinks are things like sports drinks, specifically Gatorade, Powerade, etc. Isotonic drinks replace fluid loss, electrolytes, and supply carbohydrates (sugar in this case) for energy. But these store-bought varieties contain too much sugar. And the high level of sugar is only necessary as a fuel source, for times when you're going to need an extra boost of energy; ie, long runs, hiking, etc. So what about those of us that don't need that added sugar (carbohydrate)? We just need something that will replace the electrolytes and fluid without the added carbs. We do need a bit of sugar, as studies show that it helps the body to optimally absorb the electrolytes and fluid. But too much sugar in an everyday beverage can have negative effects. So, we remove the excessive sugar, and what we're left with is a Hypotonic beverage. This type of beverage replaces the fluid and electrolytes without the extra carbohydrates.

Here's the specific break down:

Isotonic Beverage: quickly replaces fluid loss and supplies extra carbohydrates (sugar, or glucose specifically). This drink is ideal for athletes like runners and others that rapidly lose fluid via sweat.

Hypotonic beverage: quickly replaces fluid loss without added carbs. This is suitable for those that have fluid loss but don't need the rapid energy boost of extra glucose.

I have concluded that Hypotonic beverages are optimal for ostomates, people with IBD, and other conditions that cause a loss of fluids. But don't go chugging down that Gatorade! Remember, it has a bunch of sugar, and falls into the Isotonic category. Here's a recipe to make your own Hypotonic drink to have throughout the day. It will replace the fluid and help restore and balance your electrolytes. This is what I personally use. :-)

  • 32 ounces of Water (I use tap water because too much filtered, purified water is bad for you- a post on that later, perhaps?)
  • Lemon juice, approximately 3 table spoons
  • 1 pinch of sea salt, approximately 1/2 teaspoon
  • 3 tablespoons of frozen orange juice concentrate (this is our bit of sugar that allows better absorption)
Put all of these things into a bottle and shake well. Give it a minute to allow the salt to dissolve. Chill if desired.

If you are working out and find that you DO need some extra carbs for fuel, double the amount of OJ concentrate.

I'm still learning all about these things and developing different formulas. This is my current perfected version, but I imagine I'll be able to make it even more exact in the future. I'm in the process of writing my next short book on the subject, so if you're interested in more of the science behind it, causes of dehydration, risks and symptoms, how different electrolytes work in the body/why they're needed, and more things in this category, then keep an eye out for the release in the near future.

Until next time!

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